The Artist

I am a Brazilian native, living in the US for 30 years. I started cooking when I used to work for a great man called Dr. Lee Salk in NYC. He gave me a gourmet cookbook and showed me what recipes to cook. Since I didn’t read English very well, I carried a Portuguese-English dictionary along with the cookbook. By that time, I knew how much I loved cooking!

I earned my associate’s degree in Hospitality Management from NYC College of Technology in Brooklyn. After I graduated, I started working as a private chef for some families until I decided to start my venture called Trigo e Sal (flour and salt).

Although I love to cook everything, my initial plan is to start this off as a baking and pastry business. I took pastry/baking courses in college, but I am also self-taught, reading, and practicing at home with my husband, who is as much of a perfectionist as he is my Guinea pig;). If you would ask him, he’d say I passed!

– Ana Sena